This is one of the few remaining pure forms of documentary photography. The moment happens and it is gone. You either capture it in an image or you don't. Unlike sports writers and television, still photographers don't have the luxury of instant replay.
If you love sports and photography, it can be a great job. You get into the games for free. You get the best seats in the house, and you get paid to do it!
However, it is very difficult to make a living as a sports photographer. In fact, it is becoming increasingly difficult to make a living as any kind of photographer. You have to be very good excellent at the craft of photography and you have to be a good great business person. You also have to be very lucky because the odds are really against you. There are very few full-time sports photography jobs available.
On the other hand, if you just love sports and photography, and don't need to make a living at it, it can be extremely rewarding and a lot of fun!
Go to little league games and practice with what equipment you have. Go to high school games and shoot. At some high schools you can find football, soccer, field hockey, baseball and softball all going on at the same time in the afternoon in the fall. Look for action and feature shots. See how good your knowledge of the game is, and how good your anticipation and reflexes are. Build up a portfolio that shows what you can do.
If you are good, you can contact the local weekly newspaper, show your work and see if they need anyone to shoot the local high school games. Move up a level and continue to practice your craft. These athletes really give total effort and you can capture this in your images.
Elements Necessary for Success
Talent -
Skill -
Knowledge - You need knowledge both of your craft and of the game you are photographing.
Practice - Photography is a physical as well as a mental skill. Practice will make you better at both. Skills improve dramatically with practice and atrophy with disuse.
Desire - Your philosophy and attitude will affect your work.
Work - Make a commitment to excellence.
Opportunity - You have to seize them when them.
Luck - Some say you can't control it, but it
favors the prepared.
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